Picaro Leaves Ross Haven Farm

Picaro Leaves Ross Haven Farm
Picaro pictured with Dr. Carl Kirker-Head, Pete Daigneault, Farm Manager and Mona Kirker-Head with their daughters

Picaro's Progress is a Miracle!

Please join others in donating to Tufts Large Animal Hospital in honor of Picaro. If you are able to donate, please copy & paste w/ Picaro as subject: http://www.tufts.edu/vet/giving . Many thanks to those who have donated and are considering a donation. These donations make it possible for us to have this state of the art facility with top Veterinarians to care for our animals.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday, January 26

Picaro is gaining. His jaw is beginning to move a bit and there is more interest in eating. If he would just begin to eat, we will see rapid improvement in his overall health.

He continues to be in isolation due to intestinal irregularity. He is still tube fed and has an IV drip.

His spirits are better today.

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